The project aims to understand the potential of the wood industry and how to create wood construction ecosystems from business’s perspective. At the same time, the aim is to identify real value-added factors and public sector activities will support the investments and help companies to locate to North Karelia. The aim of this project is to find out the preconditions for the renewal of the wood products industry and the emergence of the related ecosystem in North Karelia through the increment prognosis of wood construction sector. In
this context, an ecosystem refers to a network of different actors, including private and public actors, where the actors in the network together form more than separately.
The development project is being implemented by Karelia University of Applied Sciences and Development Lieksa Ltd (LieKe) in cooperation with other development agencies in the province.
Sähköiset laskutusosoitteemme
Verkkolaskuosoite: 003728569258
Välittäjä / Verkkolaskuoperaattori: Maventa
Välittäjätunnus: 003721291126
Välittäjätunnus pankkiverkosta lähetettäessä: DABAFIHH
Y-tunnus 2856925-8