Lieksa REACT offers companies in Lieksa tools which support both digitality and green growth. As a result of this project, companies in Lieksa will carry out actions of digitalization and green growth. Their digital visibility and sales will improve and business will become more efficient due to new digital solutions, their business will be more environmentally friendly and they are implementing procedures that enable green growth.
By supporting both digital and green growth of companies in Lieksa area, project will help to find opportunities to new growth. While getting trough COVID-19 crisis, those companies that see change as an opportunity will have an advantage in comparison to those who can not adapt to changes on operational environment. As a concrete result more businesses have e-commerce and they are implementing new digital and green growth tools.
The project is active 1.8.2021 - 31.12.2023.
Sähköiset laskutusosoitteemme
Verkkolaskuosoite: 003728569258
Välittäjä / Verkkolaskuoperaattori: Maventa
Välittäjätunnus: 003721291126
Välittäjätunnus pankkiverkosta lähetettäessä: DABAFIHH
Y-tunnus 2856925-8